Monday, October 14, 2019

Natural Progress of Opulence

Image result for adam smith

1.) When it comes to Smith's views on, "wealth is used first for agriculture, second for manufacturing, and third for foreign commerce" I can see his point of view but I do not think it stays true today. He believes in this system where the country provides raw materials for the towns to provide advanced materials and give the country produce in return. However, in today's age, I do not think the countryside nor farmers have an advantage. They're jobs are often replaced with machines, many towns do not need them anymore, and when they do trade resources they do not profit as much as they used to. He satisfy's my curiosity because of how passionate he is about maintaining an agricultural based system and makes me wonder how the world would thrive if we focused on that. 

2.) Today, rather than investing in land, I believe the wealthy invest in businesses, restaurants, and the stock market to gain profit. With that, I believe they could consider something a secure investment if it seems like a safe purchase and one that gains a considerable amount of profit without causing detrimental costs. Doing this will ensure that the wealthy individual thrives off of their investment which increases their wealth similar to how farmers thrived back then when they gained more land. 

3.) As I have stated before, I believe that a thriving society should keep agriculture first however that is not the case today. Now, you can buy products and "crops" at stores which were made through factories. Everything is industrialized, farmers lose jobs due to technology, food is processed and tainted with chemicals, and animals ingest hormones which affect their health and pass onto our food. While I think technology can be beneficial and used in moderation, I believe we should revert more to agriculture and gain our resources more naturally.

Image result for natural progress to opulence

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