Thursday, September 5, 2019

A blast From Past Governments

Image result for rousseau

Rousseau said, "Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains." He believed in liberty and that men should not have to give up their freedom or will. If he were here today, I believe he would approve of a democratic government. In this type of government, everyone would have the freedom to speak their minds, make decisions and laws together, and there would be no authoritative figure holding power over anyone. Everyone would be equal and free to make their own choices which was a big thing Rousseau believed in. In today's society, very few countries still believe in a direct democracy and many of those countries are in Scandinavia. I think this type of government should be implemented in many other places but, a lot of countries prefer to stick to republics and monarchies.

Image result for jefferson and machiavelli            Image result for thomas jefferson and the declaration of independence

Machiavelli was a firm believer in doing whatever it took to reach the best end goal. He said that the means always matter but the ends do not necessarily justify them. However, he thought that even if they were not justifiable, it was still worth it to accept their consequences in order to achieve the end goal. A similar situation occurred when Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. This was created so that people could voice their arguments towards the British Crown and form a "justified revolution" as Thomas Jefferson explained it. I believe this is very similar to what Machiavelli said about means and ends. Jefferson led people to defy the British Crown and fight for what they believe in. People were killed, imprisoned, and punish for doing so but even then, it was worth it for the end goal---independence, just like Machiavelli said. I personally believe that it is important to fight for what you believe in, even if it leads to very serious consequences. Therefore i think independence is one of the most important things to fight for because that is your freedom, your rights, and everything you stand for. Ultimately, I believe Jefferson knew what he was doing in that the end goal was had more importance than the consequences and he would have definitely followed in Machiavelli's footsteps and achieved the ends no matter what the means were.

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