1.) "The history of society is a history of class struggles." I think this perfectly sums up Karl Marx's beliefs of the economic condition of society. Marx explained that the bourgeoisie was built upon merchants and has now become the present day middle class. The bourgeoisie has profited so much through traveling, marketing, achievement, and a lot of production. However, while this class profits wildly through all of these methods, it often results in deception and exploitation. The bourgeoisie has "swamped all other classes" by ridding of old traditions and methods and expects every other class to meet its standards. Ultimately, Marx believes that through exploitation, the bourgeoisie will lead to its own failure. On the other hand, the proletariat is the class that serves the bourgeoisie. They live to serve and work constantly to provide for themselves and their families. One big advantage of the proletariat is their broad geographic union. Ultimately, a revolution will occur which will lead to the inevitable overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat.
2.) In the bourgeoisie's eyes, mass production and improvement is a huge key to success. They will thrive off anything and anyone in order to achieve max profit and they expect everyone else to match them. I believe that the type of production and profit you made was how you achieved your identity or reputation. Obviously, you will be more well known for how much money you make and how you are able to earn that much.
3.) As Marx summarized at the end of his Manifesto, he believes communism will give the proletariat the chance to overthrow the bourgeoisie. The proletariat has a better chance of survival and working as a majority since they are a class of laborers and know what should be done. Due to the bourgeoisie's self interest and dependence on others, their ruin was inevitable.

4.) I believe wealthy people, such as Bill Gates, should keep following in Carnegie's footsteps. I think people can get so caught up in their riches and wealth that they forget about those who are not as fortunate and struggling to get by. I think athletes especially get overpaid and those who protect us such as police, firefighters, teachers, and more should get better pay and opportunities. Ultimately, I think how you share your wealth is what defines you and Gates is doing a phenomenal job in doing so.